If you are a mom and especially a mom of tiny ones (like me) chances are that you haven't been on an exotic vacation for a looong time. Sure we bring our brood to the annual beach stay and spend our nights at the boardwalk while we're there and it's all lovely.
But I'm talking about hammocks, daiquiris and romantic dinners by the beach. Oh well, a girl can dream...
This bath bomb was inspired by my longing for the "adults only" paradise. And by the fact that I recently acquired a new set of mica colors. Micas are for me what paint is for the painter. This set is so gorgeous it was hard not to use it all up at once 😉
The scent will instantly transport you to a secluded exotic beach, and the skin loving ingredients (mango butter and sea salt) will have you sigh Aloha when you glide into your tub.
Now, I’ve added Polysorbate 80 to the mix for two reasons: it will prevent the colors from leaving a ring around your tub and it will ensure that the oil from the mango butter goes down the drain instead of leaving a slick hazardous mess behind. Who on earth wants to have to scrub their tub after blissing out in a homemade blue lagoon?
To give it a unique look I drizzled micas on top using droppers. I found, however, that the openings of the droppers were too big, creating more of a big plop than a slight drizzle. So I covered the opening with tape making sure it was high enough that it wouldn't come off and pierced a small hole in it with a needle. Worked like a charm.
Ready to make your little piece of paradise? Let’s get to it.
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I made a quick video, showing you how basic bath bombs are made:
Make sure to check out How to Make Bath Bombs, where I cover tips and tricks when making bath bombs.
What you’ll need for 4 bath bombs:
- bath bomb molds (2 sets)
- spray bottle
- droppers
- small plastic bags or an airtight container for storage
- one big bowl and 3 small cups (for mixing the micas)
- baking soda: 2 cups
- citric acid: 1 cup
- sea salt: ½ cup
- mango butter: 32 g
- polysorbate 80: 16 g
- Hawaiian breeze fragrance oil: 6 g (if you desire a stronger scent you can add a little more)
- Stardust mica set #3
- isopropyl alcohol 99%
- witch hazel
- in a bowl add baking soda, citric acid and sea salt, thoroughly working out any clumps with your hands (this is important since clumps in your mixture will turn inwards (eww) in your finished product
- mix ¼ teaspoon of "tail green" mica with the polysorbate 80 then add to the dry mix
- melt the mango butter in a double boiler on low heat or in the microwave on 10 sec bursts and let it cool down a little
- add mango butter and fragrance oil to the dry mix, again mix thoroughly
- spritz the mixture with witch hazel until it has the texture of wet sand and holds it's shape when squeezed in your hand
- fill one half of the sphere mold to a little bit higher than the brim and the other half to the brim
- firmly press the two halves together for 15 seconds
- gently tap one side with your fingertips so that the mixture releases
- slowly twist the half first and then twist in an upward motion until the mold is released
- let your bath bomb dry in the other half for 24 hours
- after 24 hours gently release the bath bomb from the mold like you did with the first half, if you're having trouble to release the bomb insert the tip of a pairing knife to gently nudge it out of the mold
- mix ¼ teaspoon of 'blue lagoon" mica, "ariel blue" mica and "sunset pink" mica with ½ teaspoon of isopropyl alcohol each
- tape the ends of the droppers and pierce a hole by the opening with a needle
better to tape the sides off as well - the color came out of the sides for me after a while
- drizzle on top of the bath bomb using the droppers place the bath bombs on a paper towel as this gets messy
- let dry for 30 min before packaging or storing in an airtight container
Until next time. Happy Tinkering!
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